Dear brothers and sisters,
This week our painters continued making progress. They took care of five more rooms. We are looking sharp!
Some of the paint came off the wall in my office and we had to test for lead. Thankfully, the test came out negative and we will continue with that office next week.
As we launch the Lenten fundraising campaign to lessen our deficit, I have been stuffing envelopes like crazy and I am grateful to the students who have aided me in this work. God willing, the letters will be mailed early next week.
I have also been cooking a little bit. I’ve prepared my famous flan for today’s coffee and donuts, and I’d wager that the flan might be better than the donuts :)!
Our ministry to the girls on our campus continues to grow. We have more of them involved in Bible Studies and attending daily Mass, and a small group of them has also started to meet for discipleship with some of the missionaries. Please, keep them in your prayers.
We had another installment of our talks on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit on Thursday. On previous occasions, we had talked about the Gifts in general and the Gifts of Fear of the Lord, Fortitude, and Piety, in particular. This week we studied the other four Gifts in general. On subsequent Thursdays, we will talk about the rest. You can find the PowerPoint presentations on our website.
May our Lady of Guadalupe aid us in our Lenten conversion to the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Richard, MC