Dear brothers and sisters,
The Archdiocese of Denver is promoting a Rally for Life on Tuesday, April 4, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Colorado Capitol West Steps.
This is an opportunity for Coloradans to let the General Assembly know we do not want Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA) 2.0!
RHEA violates the fundamental human right to life for millions of preborn children, hurts women and families, and it is out of touch with the desires of millions of Colorado voters.
On to another piece of news, I’m preparing another batch of flan for next Sunday. We will celebrate the glorious feast of Easter with an Egg Hunt for the children, and coffee and Argentinean flan for everyone else.
As we prepare for new carpet, we are making the final touches in the front offices. I invite you to come and take a peek. It’s turning quite nicely.
This year for Holy Thursday, we will wash the feet of twelve young men to promote vocations to the priesthood. We are also honoring our young women by having them present the Holy Oils blessed during the Chrism Mass and bring the gifts.
I am grateful to the FOCUS missionaries for all their efforts in the Campus outreach. We currently have about 18 young men and 13 young women involved in our bible studies; several are also involved in discipleship. Please, keep the prayers coming; they are working!
May our Lady of Guadalupe grant us the grace of feeling Christ’s unfathomable love this Holy Week.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Richard, MC