Dear brothers and sisters,
Last weekend, Feb 2-4, Fr. Martin, Bro. Francis and I preached the Spiritual Exercises for College Students in Colorado Springs. This was our first Silent Retreat specifically geared to College Students. We have been preaching silent retreats in Colorado for several years, but not exclusively to young people.
Since we could not find a retreat house for those dates, we rented three Airbnb homes. We were blessed to have several families that cooked for the 23 students during the weekend. We are grateful to them!
On top of that, I was in charge of cheese scrambled eggs, and bacon on Sunday morning. The good news is that nobody died of food poisoning 🙂
The young men and women who participated in the retreat did really well with the silence. I did not have to use the duct tape I took… hahaha! Speaking seriously, there was a great climate of prayer at all times. Seeing so many young people dedicated to the Lord, to knowing his Will, and to growing in friendship with him was beautiful.
College students from CU Denver, Metro State, CSU, CU Bolder, and Regis University participated in the experience. At the end of the retreat, we had some time to share graces. They commented on the many ways that the Lord touched their hearts during the weekend. Several youths remarked that they were able to grow in love with the Lord and trust in his mercy.
Please find the full schedule for Ash Wednesday at the back of the bulletin. Masses will be at 12:15 and 5:00 PM.
May our Lady of Guadalupe grant us, through her motherly intercession, a holy and profitable Lenten Season.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Richard, MC